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By default, logs are only sent to STDOUT. Optionally logs may be sent to one or more log files or syslog servers.

Logs to each defined target can be filtered - you may want to log certain health check events to a log file and other events to a remote syslog server. You may also define different log levels per log target.

Configuration Keys

Logging is configured as an array of LogMethods objects. The following top level configuration keys are available for each object and apply to both file and syslog targets:

Key Type Default
method String info
level String info
formatter Optional String undef
events String ["announce", "error", "info", "withdraw"]
subsystems List[String] ["announcer", "configuration", "executor", "healthcheck", "logging", "master", "notification", "utility", "worker"]
checks Optional List[String] undef


These log methods are supported:

  • file: Log to a file.
  • syslog: Log to a remote syslog server with UDP or TCP.


You MUST add the method specific configuration noted below otherwise the configuration will be invalid.

Method Specific Configuration

The file and syslog methods require specific configuration. Check the relevant page depending on the log method:


The level of messages to send to the logging target. Available options are:

  • error
  • warning
  • info
  • success
  • debug
  • trace


A custom log format string can be provided if you need to change the formatting. As an example, the default log format for STDERR logs is:

<green>{time:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS}</green> | <level>{level: <8}</level> | <light-blue>PID {process: <8}</light-blue> | <magenta>{file.path}:{line} {function}()</magenta> | <cyan>{extra[check_name]}</cyan> | <green>{extra[subsystem]}/{extra[event]}</green> | <level>{message}</level>


The list of events that may be logged for this target. The following events are supported:

  • announce: Route announcements
  • withdraw: Route withdrawals
  • error: Error logs
  • info: General information
  • debug: Verbose debugging information
  • datadump: Dumps of various data for debugging


Filtering may be applied by subsystem (the part of ExaCheck that is generating the log). The list of subsystems available are:

  • announcer: The route announcement/withdrawal manager
  • configuration: Configuration manager
  • executor: The check executor
  • healthcheck: Messages from health checks themselves
  • logging: Messages from the logging manager
  • master: Messages from the master process
  • notification: Messages generated from notifications
  • utility: Various utilities that do not fit elsewhere
  • worker: Worker related messages


A list of health checks may be provided; events will only be sent to the logging target if they are generated by the defined health checks.


To configure both syslog and file based logging:



  # Basic file logger
  - method: file
    destination: /tmp/exacheck.log

  # Send logs for announce/withdraw events using TCP to port 514
  - method: syslog
    protocol: tcp
      - announce
      - withdraw

# The list of health checks
    - ...

For more complete examples, check the relevant method page.