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Command Line Interface

A command line interface exacheck is included with ExaCheck. The CLI allows you to run ExaCheck, dump the JSON configuration schema and validate the configuration file.

Running ExaCheck

To run ExaCheck use the run command:

exacheck run

By default, the configuration will attempt to be loaded from the file /etc/exabgp/exacheck.yaml.

Run Options

The following options are available for the run command:

Option Name Type Description
-h / --help Flag Show the help output and exit.
-f / --file String The path to the configuration file to load from.
-v / --verbosity Count The verbosity level. May be specified multiple times (eg. -vvvvv).

Run Environment Variables

The following environment variables are supported:

Variable Name Type Description
EXACHECK_CONFIG String The path to the configuration file to load.
EXACHECK_VERBOSITY Integer The verbosity level (higher is more verbose)

Testing Configuration

The test command can be used to load and validate the configuration file. The test command is a no-op; logs/notifications will not be sent to any defined targets except STDOUT.

To test the configuration:

exacheck test

To enable verbose output:

exacheck test -vvvvvv

Testing Options

The following options are available for the test command:

Option Name Type Description
-h / --help Flag Show the help output and exit.
-f / --file String The path to the configuration file to load from.
-v / --verbosity Count The verbosity level. May be specified multiple times (eg. -vvvvv).

Test Environment Variables

The following environment variables are supported:

Variable Name Type Description
EXACHECK_CONFIG String The path to the configuration file to load.
EXACHECK_VERBOSITY Integer The verbosity level (higher is more verbose).

Configuration Schema

The schema command is used to generate the JSON schema file. The JSON schema will be printed to STDOUT where you can then redirect it into a file if needed. As an example:

exacheck schema > schema.json

The JSON schema file can in turn be used to validate the configuration and provide hints to editors that support it (eg. VS Code).