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The following changelog is available via the ExaCheck GitHub repository CHANGELOG file.

ExaCheck Changelog

2024-07-10 - 0.1.3


  • If a DNS health check had a response pattern configured the last character of the response was being removed during validation. Some additional debug output was added in case of future issues.


  • Update core requirements:
  • Sentry
  • Pydantic
  • Update various development dependencies (linting/formatting tools)
  • Add debugger launch configs for VS Code

2024-06-13 - 0.1.2


  • Bump ExaBGP to build 4.2.22 - This fixes build issues on Python 3.12 which required working around. The Docker image has had the manual deployment of ExaBGP removed since it can now be built on its own successfully.


  • Update core requirements:
  • Pydantic
  • Sentry
  • Apprise
  • ujson
  • Update various development dependencies (linting/formatting tools)
  • VS Code Workspace fixes (debugpy, spelling)
  • Dev container image mirror changed to
  • Remove duplicate apt install in dev container
  • Reformat docker ignore file
  • Update default compose file

2024-04-18 - 0.1.1


  • Docker builds now use a venv rather than installing in system Python
  • Docker builds now use Python 3.12 as the base


  • Docker builds were not including ExaBGP so they would not be able to work. To fix this the requirement on ExaBGP has been dropped from Python >= 3.12. To use ExaCheck with Python 3.12 onwards (if not using Docker) you must currently install ExaBGP from source:
python3 -m pip --no-cache-dir install "git+"


  • Update Apprise, Pydantic, Sentry and various development related modules

2024-04-01 - 0.1.0


  • The HTTP health check method now uses HTTPX instead of requests to make the request
  • HTTP check SNI adapter removed - HTTPX can handle SNI natively without requiring an adapter


  • Update Sentry, Apprise and Pydantic releases
  • Update development group dependency Markdown
  • Update various development dependencies
  • Pytest configuration moved from .ini file to pyproject.toml
  • MyPy configuration moved from .ini file to pyproject.toml


  • With the change to HTTPX, the HTTP health check now supports HTTP2 (defaults to False)

2024-02-21 - 0.0.11


  • Reap zombie processes and respawn on failure (fixes #8)


  • Update Sentry and dnspython releases

2024-02-08 - 0.0.10


  • Add support for Python 3.10 and Python 3.12
  • ExaBGP will be built from source if using Python 3.12 (using the 4.2 branch)
  • Dockerfile changes to add support for Python 3.12:
  • Install ExaCheck from git rather than PyPi to allow easier version customisation
  • Make sure wheel/setuptools/pip is up to date


  • Update Semgrep and pydantic releases
  • Remove requirement on types-requests; this is not needed for production usage
  • Re-format pyproject.toml - use groups for development/typing/formatting/testing

2024-02-07 - 0.0.9


  • http check method fails to parse the URL correctly for IPv6 hosts; IPv6 address must be enclosed with []

2024-02-07 - 0.0.8


  • Log file count option was not being used at all; log files would rotate but never be cleaned up
  • If a host value was provided for the http check method the value was being ignored; the host was overwritten from the hostname in URL

2024-01-31 - 0.0.7


  • Correct the logging event types for announce/withdraw of routes for log filtering to work correctly
  • Fix metric attribute naming error


  • Log exceptions when sending routes to ExaBGP
  • Update syslog format string
  • Include hostname when logging to remote servers
  • Include timestamp when logging to remote servers or when structured logging is used


  • Add the following options for Sentry; values are set to the Sentry defaults:
  • attach_stacktrace
  • include_local_variables
  • debug
  • Move Sentry profile sample rate out of experimental configuration

2024-01-30 - 0.0.6


  • Formatting fixup in
  • Ensure STDOUT is flushed on route announce/withdraw
  • Define app_url for Apprise
  • Change line breaks for Apprise notification as they are broken in Slack
  • Debug or trace level logging must be enabled to log the Python filename/line number/function name in file/syslog


  • ExaCheck internal configuration (eg. for the live_reload feature) has been migrated out of the base Settings class. Instead, ExaCheck configuration now resides in its own settings.ExaCheck class.

2024-01-29 - 0.0.5


  • ExaBGP fails to start on Python 3.12. ExaCheck now requires Python 3.11.


2024-01-29 - 0.0.4


  • Replace static version definition in with importlib.metadata lookup


  • Add support for Python 3.11


  • Update Apprise and dnspython

2024-01-29 - 0.0.3


  • Add

2024-01-29 - 0.0.3a0


  • Adds dependency on loguru and click correctly

2024-01-29 - 0.0.2

Initial public release